
Showing posts from May, 2013

Can't Vote Here

The right to vote. Though not enumerated in the constitution it is one that we the people have come to accept as a right that all citizens deserve. When the country was founded it was only white males in possession of land or wealth who could vote in elections. This changed over time with gradual additions and inclusions through the 14th, 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 26th amendments outlawing any denial of this right based on birth status, sex, race, financial status and age. Each of these situations has resulted in increased rights for the people and the country as a whole, allowing all our citizens to have a voice in the democratic process. It is in the interest of all that we have a fair representation of what the people want, otherwise there will be a small amount of power concentrated in a small group because the majority is a false one. Accounting for the of the individual states attitudes towards voting and their history of infringing upon minority rights, thi...