
Showing posts from October, 2013

I am a God

What exactly makes someone a god? Does everyone around you simply have to believe that you are a god or do you need to prove it, demonstrating god-like abilities such as performing turning water to wine and walking on water? These questions lead to even more important concepts, branching out into bigger and more complicated ideas of godhood. It is within this realm that I base my post tonight. A little more than an hour ago I left the Oracle Coliseum in Oakland, California. There in the tenth row I sat watching Kanye West perform the act of his Yesus tour. Before and during the performance, West made some interesting controversy by defining himself and his music within the context of Jesus Christ. Why would an artist of such caliber and intelligence (yes, I believe he is an extremely intelligent person) open himself up to such an easy channel of criticism? An interesting thing I have learned from adopting a more liberal degree, is that once a piece is published and ou...