To the Fullest...

My bicycle made its usual clicking as I walked down the hall of my apartment complex towards the outside world. ‘This is too early for any human to be awake,’ I kept telling myself. Groggy and stiff, I carried my two-wheeled transport down the stairs and out the front gate. Needing one more stretch, I threw my hands above my head and felt the amazing creak that only an early morning stretch can give. It was suddenly interrupted with a sharp pain in my side. I brought my hands down to find the source and fell upon a wasp, struggling to escape my tank top. As the pain spiked, I was suddenly amazed at the feeling. While not the most earth-shattering thing, it was still fascinating. When was the last time I felt something like this? Not an annoyance, but pain, physical pain that stimulated my nerve endings and registered as a need to be attended in my brain? I couldn’t remember. How far we have come as a species! I ride my bike to work, come home, study, go to sleep, wake up and d...