
Showing posts from February, 2017

The DNC Blunder

At the time of this post going to press, it has only been 11 days since Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States. Oil and water doesn’t seem like an accurate enough metaphor to describe how those things fit together. But as much as I or other might not like it, this has happened and is now a part of world history  and it is our duty as citizens to examine how it happened and hypothesize as to why. There have been many examinations done by some who have more exhaustive resources than I , but there is one more angle that keeps coming up in conversations that not many consider. What contributed to the downfall of the Democratic party in the 2016 election was an overindulgence into the effect and personality of Barak Obama as President.             I have lived through a very small part of American history and American presidents but I had always loved studying it through high school and college. The foundi...