
Showing posts from November, 2017

What Holds Us Together

I don’t believe that our country is teetering upon the brink of chaos, but I do believe we have taken the first step towards it. The 2016 election had exposed elements of our society that many believed were ideals long since vanquished and has brought about the death of modern civility. There was an agreement about what was acceptable and a collectively understood line that would not be crossed. But recently, it seems like the cultural norms surrounding the interaction between citizens supported by nothing more than an unspoken understanding has been eroded almost entirely. In a time of hyper partisanship the laws the only thing that is the great equalizer. In a way, this partisanship is being rewarded with clicks or screen time or a presidency. It is in this climate that the importance of the law of the land is highlighted to an extreme degree. That if civility and cooperation is not enough of a motivation to keep the society together, then it needs to be strengthened by the rules ...