
Showing posts from September, 2019

Court Packing

There has been a slow drumbeat on the left to begin using similar hardball tactics to counter those used on the right. Republicans have changed voting rules, decreased an elected position’s power as they leave it for an incoming Democrat, and denied constitutional duties in order to win battles. This last tactic has led some to propose that Democrats should “pack” the United States Supreme Court in order to counter the two Justices that they consider illegitimate. I do not agree with this idea, but first, let’s look at how we got here. In the past three years, we have seen President Trump appoint and have confirmed two new Justices of the Supreme Court. These two appointments have been contentious to say the least. First, there was Neil Gorsuch who, under different circumstances, may have been a perfectly reasonable conservative choice for a Justice. However, it was the circumstances under which he was appointed that drove Democrats, myself included, up the wall. Justic...