
Showing posts from November, 2019

A Guide, a Sword, and a Shield

            I have an unfortunate story that sometimes pops up in conversation. I am trying to reach a certain number of volunteer hours by the time I graduate law school, so I interact with a lot of lawyers who are getting in their pro bono hours. Every profession has its highs and lows, along with correspondingly good people and not-so-good people. During one of these activities I was paired with a lawyer who had the worst attitude I have ever seen, and what is worse: she took it out on her clients. With every question a client posed, she scoffed, rolled her eyes, and looked at me, as if to say, “can you believe how stupid this person is?” It did not happen once or twice, it was her reaction to every single question. As if, in her years of practice, she could not believe poor, vulnerable people do not understand the complexities of housing law and the surrounding mountain of forms. This experience truly encouraged me ...