Listen to the Teachers

On Wednesday, the 4 th of December, the House Judiciary Committee heard from a panel of historians and law professors on the history of impeachment and under what grounds can it be brought against a president. As a history nerd, I was delighted to see this hearing announced. But I also recognized the importance and political strategy by Chairman Nadler in having it. There will be four professors attending this hearing, Noah Feldman from Harvard, Pamela Karlan from Stanford, Michael Gerhardt from UNC, and Jonathan Turley from GW. I have attended a talk with Mr. Feldman who is particularly skilled, though each come from fantastic schools and will shed an invaluable prospective on the current process. It will also be interesting to see the possible difference in opinions, Mr. Turley was invited to testify by the Republicans on the Committee, the rest were invited by the Democrats. While I am not sure of th...