A Plan to Open Schools

For some reason, opening schools has now become similar to the gun debate. Accepting that some parts of the process are completely out of our control, when they are. For the sake of argument, let’s accept that we have to open schools for the more than 50 million students in the US primary education system. What can the government do on Monday, July 20th, 2020, to ensure students will be properly protected? There are two basic parts to this solution, the lead-up to the school year, and the school year itself. The federal government has a responsibility to institute as close to a knock-out punch to the virus as possible, and coordinated and well-financed assistance over the school year. It is essentially impossible to eliminate the virus from the United States by the time schools open in mid- to late-August. The virus is spread too widely, and there is a large enough portion of the US that does not care, to eliminate it in such a short period. However, the majority of people w...