
Showing posts from January, 2021

What a Competent Government Would Do...

          As we come to the end of the Trump Presidency one way or another, we are still setting records as a country for Corona Virus deaths and hospitalizations. There is awesome power within any government, but given the nature of the disaster and the steps we have seen work against it, any competent government would take the following steps.  A Pause on Public Activity      The only thing that matters is stopping the virus. Growing the economy, educating our children, addressing racial issues, all are meaningless if we cannot resume normality. This starts with doing everything we can to hold or slow the spread of the virus. I am under no illusions that a second “shut down” would be both politically costly and economically expensive. But if we are going to solve the problem of the pandemic, we can’t just rely on one side of the equation to solve the entire problem. Currently, we are vaccinating people at a far slower rate...