
Showing posts from March, 2021

An Idea for Reparations

Reparations.  Even saying the word brings up strong feelings to both those who support and oppose the idea.  I have always thought reparations were a good idea in the United States for two reasons.  First, we are somewhat unique in the world of racial justice for our concerted effort to claim “there is no racial problem” or “maybe there was, but it’s over now”.  Second, we have the ability to make amends, so why wouldn’t we?  When discussing this idea, it is important to understand what reparations are, what they are meant to do, and what the actual proposal is.           Reparations are a catch-all term that is applied to government action to “make up” for past wrongs.  Similarly to general tort procedures in court, the remedy is designed to make the victim whole.  This could take the form of many different things, money, special treatment in some situation, an apology.  What is most important is the...