
Showing posts from October, 2017

In Defense of Democratic Principals

It doesn’t take long for political TV to turn from a discussion about ideas into name calling. And while this is not really new, what has changed over the years is the definition of certain words in the eyes of the pundits and public alike. What these words mean really matters when media consumption is composed of soundbites rather than expository news. Fox News is easily able to write off arguments and reasoning as ‘liberal’, which then trickles down into the political psyche of the nation. Words changing their meaning is a normal part of life but when this starts to affect how people act, that is when the public needs to be reeducated on the meaning of these words. Liberal does not mean bad, just like Clinton does not mean corrupt, and Trump does not mean evil. This is a post to discuss the beliefs that make up Democratic ideals, what they are, and how they apply in the real world. The first tenant the idea of equality, an equal treatment of all people under the law. Thi...

A Plan for Gun Control, The Federal Firearms Administration

The count is 58 people dead and 489 wounded in Las Vegas in a matter of minutes. As with all mass shootings in the US, this sparks a debate that is stifled, then resisted, then argued, and finally ignored with little or no change. I am not here to engage in this debate, but to propose a plan to end this kind of violence in the United States. We are the only stable, western nation on earth that continually suffers from mass shootings so there is clearly a way to solve the problem, we simply have not tried.             It is important to make several facts clear before the plan is laid out. While the number of guns in the US has increased to about 310 million, the number of people who own guns in the US has decreased to around 22% of adults and about 31% of households . Essentially, those with guns are buying more. It is also important to take a look at any kind of firearm ban that the US in the past and observe the eff...