In Defense of Democratic Principals

The first tenant the idea of equality, an equal treatment of all people under the law. This applies to everything from police brutality and torture, to systemic racism and voting rights. This means the support of any and all peaceful protests against a real or perceived power structure. This means applying protections to the LGBT community, women, the handicapped, and any other minority, and then ensuring those protections are followed. It is taking the time to understand that when the prison population is 59% black and Hispanic, yet they only make up 29% of the population, there is something wrong with the system that incarcerates people. While this might sound like a straight forward principal, it is surprising just how much resistance it gets when it you try to apply it. Provisions of the Voting Rights Act were struck down in 2013 that made certain counties throughout the US to receive clearance from the federal government before passing any kind of change to their voting laws due to their history of racially motivated suppression. The court agreed that the “extensive pattern of discrimination that led the Court to previously… enforcing the Fifteenth Amendment no longer exists”, but soon after these sections were overturned, many states moved to tighten their voting laws, some specifically against African Americans "with almost surgical precision". Liberal beliefs are not just about protecting all under the law, but working to make sure those protections stay in place.
Being a Democrat also means fighting for economic equality. This means getting an education without being saddled by debt for the rest of your life. This means paying taxes based on your income, the more you make, the more you pay. This means understanding that a capitalistic economy can be harsh, sometimes one mistake can mean the difference between having a home or losing it. And when this does happen, the government will be there to help anyone who needs it. Just like when large companies go bankrupt and gain certain protections to restructure their accounts, individuals deserve protections, social security, welfare peace of mind, and community services that benefit all. Warren Buffett has long fought for higher taxes on his own bracket, famously saying “My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice” in a NYT opinion piece. His continued focus on the role of the government in an economy has always rung true to a liberal ideology: that we are all in this together and those who want to participate should pay their fair share. A capitalistic economy requires that a large majority of the population be constantly buying products to continue the cycle of supply and demand. If one small sector is favored above the rest, this system is inherently unsustainable. To be a Democrat is to understand the burdens of society and realize that we all must work together, that we all deserve to try the economy from equal footing, and first mistake shouldn’t be your last chance.
And lastly, looking outside our borders, liberals believe in a compassionate and understanding view of the world. Multiculturalism, immigration, and foreign aid are good things that strengthen our country and America’s brand around the world. The basic tenants of the liberal ideology, freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, is within the interests of the governments whom the people elect. These are seen by the rest of the world as lofty ideas that seem unattainable, until the legend of America reaches their ears, the myth of America is half of what made us a superpower, Russia had the military, we had the military and the moral high ground. This means showing our ideals, not forcing them upon a people. Showing people how good they can be, how much power they always will have compared to their government, and how high their goals should be. This also means helping those less fortunate, combating the atrocities of genocide, petty wars, economic destabilization, and global warming. It also means understanding that we are only one country in a much larger world, and that we all must work together if we are ever to make it a better place.
Words change, understanding life is to understand change. But to write off something as liberal or democratic, as a negative is foolish. Liberal means equality, both legal and economic. Democratic means treating all with respect and understanding. When citizens start to vote against their own interests simply because a candidate has a (D) by their name is no way to decide policy. Think about how these polices could affect you, or your neighbor. Think about how foreign aid, at about 1.3% of the overall budget, how much would a cut to those programs affect you compared to a person suffering from HIV in Africa? I hope this might break the mold for some readers and help you consider giving the left a try.
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