
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Five Groups of Trump

          With the Iowa caucuses just a few days away, there has been a uptick in voter analysis. Along with this is a renewal in the question “how could anyone vote for Donald Trump?” While that has always been a question since 2016, there are several fairly extreme examples which continue to press this question, not the least of which was his latest claim that he should be immune from killing political rivals as President. But given there will be around 150 million people voting in the election, it is useful to divide these groups into broad categories to understand how they view certain issues. Over the past few months, I have broken Trump voters into 5 general categories. While these can overlap somewhat, they are important distinctions to use when deciding on a persuasive methodology.           True Believers. This is the group of ride-or-die (literally) Trump voters. They have the red hat, travel to attend his ra...