I'm Taking You with Me
All 50 states require car owners to purchase and maintain insurance for their vehicle. Why would they do this? It doesn't make any sense, most people don't get into car accidents, most people don't ever use their car insurance. So why would a state require a car owner to purchase insurance? Because it's in their best interest to do so. A large portion of what governments do for their people is protect them from their own worst impulses. think about Social Security, it's something that people have to pay into that they can cash later when they are older. This was in response to millions of people losing their savings during the Great Depression. This is what governments do, they protect people. More specifically, this is what adults do, they hope for the best and plan for the worst, they make prudent decisions to make the best of any situation. This is what sets Donald Trump apart from adults.
Joe Biden won the election against Donald Trump. With 306 electoral votes, a landslide in Donald Trump's words, Joe Biden will be our next president of the United States on January 20th , 2021. Part of the Democratic tradition within the United States is a peaceful transition of power. However, this transition is much more complicated than simply a ceremony in Capitol building. There are millions of federal employees, trillions of dollars to account for, hundreds of agencies run in the executive branch, and the general ramping up of information to ensure that the country doesn't come to a grinding halt when a new president comes in. Yet that is precisely what Donald Trump is trying to do to the Biden Administration.
There is a relatively unknown Independent government agency in the United States called the General Services Administration, or GSA. This is one of the few agencies that has a very specific job within the United States government . It is designed to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies, including the transition of power from one administration to another. The head of this agency is a woman named Emily Murphy who was appointed by Donald Trump in 2017. As with many trump loyalists, she has decided to not certify the election results. This is important because the certification of the head of the GSA comes with it a pot of money that would allow members of the incoming administration to have basic resources , from government offices to parking spaces in the capital, to help ramp them up. There are no hard or fast rules for how the GSA chief usually certifies the election, however it has never been a problem until now.
It is possible, in Donald Trump's mind, that he really does think he won the election. But any person on the planet faced with an important situation in life understands that there are multiple outcomes for it. It is clear that Donald Trump understands this . He would not have thought so hard, talked about election fraud so much, and blustered so heavily about the election had he not understood of the possibility of his loss. Given that reality, even if Donald Trump does think he won the election , it is still in the best interest of The United States to ensure that the Biden administration has the ability to take over the reins of power if they need to. Even if Donald Trump had any chance of reversing the results of the election, he is not sure about that possibility until the actual inauguration . This means that both possibilities are still likely in his mind. Because it is possible for Joe Biden to become president on January 20th, the best action Donald Trump could take for the United States is to ensure that the Biden administration has all of the necessary information needed to be successful as president. Just like how President Barack Obama presented Donald Trump with an extremely detailed introduction into the United States government, even though the trump team didn't have any staff to receive this information.
By refusing to allow the Biden administration to properly ramp up to take over the reins of government, Donald Trump is proving once again that he does not care about the United States. If it is a choice between his success and the success of the United States, he chooses his own success every single time.
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